The start off the blog posts. I am not making any promises to x amount of posts per month, week etc… What I will say is that the initial posts are going to be reworks of old articles. So in essence these are around 15-20 years old. . . ‘When I were young’
“The way things have to be done” will not be the only option for topics in the future. It will be viewpoints on a range of subjects. Be it on husbandry, species. environmental or even nonsense occurring on the net. Most times it is playing devils advocate to promote thought on a subject, look at things differently. I cannot say “pro-environment” and condemn certain behaviours when I participate in construction, drive a car, and use a PC. I am putting my footprint on the earth, but there are things we can all do to reduce this impact.
Whether here, or on any other site, rather leave objective comments and viewpoints that people can learn from. Belittling and bashing people does not benefit anyone and is unnecessary. The bigger thing is this will put off the people wanting to start out in the hobby. This is especially for the youth and shy individuals. If you don’t like a site, YouTuber or what said on a forum, just move on and don’t support it. Same as if you don’t like a show on TV, you change it to what you want to watch. Having said that, if there is a gross error, say for instance someone posts a Rinkhals is semi-venomous…. You can correct the statement without bashing the hell out of the person who posted it. Just be civil, life is too short for unnecessary nonsense. Keep it positive.